This week we welcome Jessica Nelson to Author Memories.

by Jessica Nelson
When I was a young girl, maybe ten, my sisters and I visited our grandma in Iowa every summer. Grandma Charlene lived in what felt like the country. Now that I’m an adult I’ve discovered she was but a few miles from the nearest town, but as a child familiar only with the closed-off skies of the south, it felt like Grandma’s farm had been plunked down in the middle of nowhere, on the edge of a dirt road, surrounded by corn fields I couldn’t see across and a sky that never seemed to end.
No neighbors to play with, only sisters on a farm.
During those summers, I remember wild days of doing whatever we wanted. Grandma had stacks of books from her book club lined against the wall: I was in heaven. Big, round metal things served as our horses. To this day I have no clue what they were, but we rode like the wind when we were on them. Then there were the cats. Shy creatures we could never quite catch. Lightning bugs teased us in the night. Those were easier.
And then the silo.
The memory makes me smile.
Three sisters in a silo, young and carefree. Happy.
Maybe Grandma has been singing in the silo too. I wouldn’t be surprised.
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Jessica Nelson's debut release, Love on the Range
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Rancher Trevor Cruz can't believe his secret identity is being endangered by an overly chatty city girl. But if there's one thing he knows, it's that Gracie's pretty little snooping nose is bound to get her in trouble. So he'll use her determination to find "Striker" to keep an eye on her…and stick close by her side.
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