For more info, read the Genealogy Notes below.
Dated: The 17 (presumed to be Dec 17, 1911)
Addressed to: Mr N C Draper, My Dear boy
Mailed from: Grand Coulee
Relationship: Noah's mother (Sarah Sophia Deverell)
Profession: Widow of Farmer
Writing instrument: Fine BlueInk
Written on: Very thin Ivory-colored lined notepaper 5" x 8"
People/places mentioned in this letter:
Eva - *Eva Amelia Perrault, Noah's sister who married *Joe Perraul
Veda - *Veda Perrault, 16 yr old daughter of *Eva and *Joe
Viola - *Viola Rigler, 14 yr old daughter of Noah's sister, *Ethel and *Will Rigler
Will - *Will Rigler, husband of Noah's sister *Ethel Maud
Fred & Louie - *Fred Coventry, who married Noah's sister, *Sarah Louisa aka *Louie
Percies - *Percy Draper - Noah's brother
Mrs H Winch - Margaret & Herb *Winch
Nettie - Nellie? Winch - records show Margaret & Herb having a Nellie born in 1910
Sam - Will's *hired man
Alf - Noah's *hired man
Places/things mentioned in this letter or in the Genealogy Notes:
dora - the sow (pig) will "come in" or farrow (give birth)
wheat 91 cts - he sold his wheat for 91 cents a bushel
sistern - a big tank called a cistern to hold water
Regina, Saskatchewan
Ravenshoe, Ontario
Keswick, Ontario
Toronto, Ontario
West - the Western Canadian provinces
Cliches mentioned in this letter:
"...will wonders never sease" (cease)
* Look under the Categories/Labels in the right side column for more posts on this
person/place/thing. If you don't see a label, use the search box at the top of page.
** see Genealogy Notes below
Grand Coulee The 17 Mr N C Draper My Dear boy received your letter and too cards on the 14 was glad to hear you was well hope this may find you the same we are all well and getting on nicely was up home on sunday the children have all got bad colds Viola was real sick but is better the things all loock well but I never seen the snow piled up around there as it is now we have had very cold weather and the worst stormes I ever seen but it is a lovely day to day the snow is settling fast I stayed up all night then Fred and Louie come up Monday and I come down with them they are well Fred come and got Veda and I last wens day and toock us to his place it is far better than I thought They are very comfortiable but the roads are a fright to travel on but then I se you have had |
2 Stormes down there to but before this I sapose it has stopped so you haie got to belhaven Well how did you find them at Mr Nelsons all well I hope remember me to Them and all inquireing friends I sapose ere this you have been to our old home how does it loock did you goe and se Mrs H Winch I feel so sorrow for her I hope Nettie is better ere this you did not say what ailed her Alfs was Just up to our place and said one of Percies horses was sick Will and Percy are goind to kill the pigs this week they are not goeing to kill dora they think she will come in in a fiew weeks wonders will never sease Sam got drunk and brought to flasks home with him so Will shipped him so he is doeing the chores alone but when the roads get do he can get straw and watter he will get a man the sistern is dry and they have to melt snow for all the watter they have and feed the horses snow |
3 Alf said Myres was drawing watter with fore horses and the tank slewed of the road and went down so far that the tank up set and he said they lost their watter and had a turble time to get it up again ' ' So you doe not think as mouk of down there as you might. but I hope you will have a good time I had a letter from Eva she seemes to think they are haveing a big time your letter reads as tho you had a good time goeing down ' ' you wanted to know how much Will got for the wheat he got 91 cts but could have got more if he could have held it longer but when it was drawed on he had to sell it well I will close my scribble now be a good boy and remember your Mother never for gets you in her prair, that god may keep you safe from harm from your ever loveing Mother S S Draper let me hear from you often |
Genealogy Notes
For whatever reason, the December 1911 issues of The Newmarket Era are not online. It seems that every issue before and after is accounted for, but not the one that announces Noah's homecoming.
Hence, I'm so thankful for this week's letter where Sarah Sophia Deverell Draper writes to Noah or we wouldn't know when he left. It also seems that Noah travelled with his sister, Eva Amelia, although we don't know who else went along since no mention of Joe is made and Veda is still back in Grand Coulee. When Sarah writes that "...Eva she seems to think they are haveing a big time..." could be Eva and Joe, or Eva and the family she left behind when she moved West with Joe.
Although Sarah isn't clear about which date she sent the letter, certain events in the letter show it to be December 1911. Namely, the mention of:
- how she hoped everyone was well at Mr. Nelson's place (Ethel's home)
- the Herbert Winch Family and Nettie's burns (see 1911 Courtship: Oct 22)
- cold weather and the worst storms she's ever seen (weather info below)

The ad on the right is from Regina's Morning Leader newspaper from December 19 of that year and shows the most likely way Noah would have traveled east. If he chose the Canadian Northern Railway, then his fee would have been $47.15 from Regina to Toronto.
At Toronto, Noah would have taken the Toronto and York Radial Railway north to either Ravenshoe or Keswick. We don't know which relative he's staying with, but there are many since Noah's great grandfather and his siblings were some of the original settlers of York County and the township of North Gwillimbury.
Actually, weather men are still talking about it. Check out this recent blog post from the United States National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office which talks about The Great Blue Norther of November 11, 1911:
...As dramatic as these weather changes were, we must go back further in time to look at one such cold front (also known then as The Great Blue Norther) that established a set of weather records that arguably are unique in modern weather history. On November 11, 1911 (remembered easily for now as 11/11/11), the afternoon temperature in Oklahoma City reached a record high for the date of 83, before plunging 66 degrees to a record low of 17 at midnight that evening. Both daily temperature records remain unbroken and untied since 1911... |
The Great Blue Norther of 11/11/1911 was a cold snap that affected the central United States on Saturday, November 11, 1911. Many cities broke record highs, going into the 70s and 80s early that afternoon. By nightfall, cities were dealing with temperatures in the teens and single-digits on the Fahrenheit scale. This is the only day in many midwest cities' weather bureau jurisdictions where the record highs and lows were broken for the same day. Some cities experienced tornadoes on Saturday and a blizzard on Sunday. A blizzard even occurred within one hour after an F4 tornado hit Rock County, Wisconsin. The main cause of such a dramatic cold snap was an extremely strong storm system separating warm, humid air from frigid, arctic air. Dramatic cold snaps tend to occur mostly in the month of November, though they can also come in February or March. |