Dated: Nov 1911 (should read the 5th)
Addressed to: Mr. N C Draper, Grand Coulee, Sask.
Mailed from: Belhaven, P.O.
Relationship: Courting
Profession: Farmer's Daughter
Writing instrument: Fine point pen, blue ink - Ethel starts this letter with a light colored ink, but then changes to blue. This is better quality ink than she's been using as it is dry and doesn't smear.
Written on: Off-white, textured, plain, linen-like paper, 9.5 inches x 6.5 inches, folded in half in booklet form with unnumbered pages. For page 2, Ethel has turned the paper sideways and written straight across the short side and down the length before turning it back to finish on the back page.
People/places mentioned in this letter:
Pa - *James H Nelson
Mother - *Ida Amelia Glover
Uncle *Emanuel (newspaper shows Manuel) - Ethel's paternal grand uncle
the *kids - Ethel's siblings: Sadie 16, Christie 11, Emanuel (Manuel) 6, J.A. (Jay) 3,
Walt *Yorke - see 2 prior Genealogy posts, stepson of Noah's 1st cousin 2x removed
Raymond *Yorke - only child from Walter Yorke's 1st wife, Minnie Pollock
Hugh *Sedore - related to Noah by the marriage of his sister, *Eva to *Joe Perrault
**Maud Bruels - Ethel's good friend and neighbor
**Grover Morrison - Maud's friend
Stanley *Bruels - Maud's brother
Carl Gordon & Edna Mix ?
Places/things mentioned in this letter:
*driver - a horse that pulls a buggy or other wheeled conveyance
chattel *mortgage
*Sutton - a few miles northeast of Belhaven
*Keswick - a few miles west of Belhaven
*Winnipeg - mail from the western provinces go through Winnipeg
* Look under the Categories/Labels in the right side column for more posts on this
person/place/thing. If you don't see a label, use the search box at the top of page.
** see Genealogy Notes below
Belhaven P. O. Nov 1911. Mr N C Draper Grand Coulee, Sask. My Dear Noah,- Well I wonder what you are doing to-day! Every Sunday seems to pass about the same with me. I hope they soon pass differently with me. I am glad there are not so many more lonesome ones before things will seem all new. I thot things where looking brighter Friday night when I came home from Uncles. The kids came running |
out and said there was a letter for me from Winnipeg. They was sure you had started down here. But when I read your letter I found you where still at your old home You can't imagine how I felt when they told me your were coming. and then my dissapointment to follow so soon. Just never mind when you do come. I guess you will know it. You'll be apt to say let me go home. 'eh' Say Walt York was telling Pa that Raymond wanted to sell his driver to get some money. he wants to get married. I am thinking Raymond will have to sell his wife when his big sum of money he gets for this driver of his runs out. Hugh Sedore got a chatel mortgage on his horse and buggy when he got married. "ha ha" If you don't come soon every body will be married. (except me) and I guess there would be no chance for me "ha ha" (There is only the one. he's mine) Well here I am again, have been to Sunday School and home with Maud Bruels for tea Grover Morrison (Mauds friend) Carl Gordon & Edna Mix were there. So we all spent the evening there. Stanley drove me over home and it is now just 10 after eleven. It was 1/2 last eleven when we got home last night, I think I must start & keep better hours . eh. You will have to learn me better when you come 'eh' ha ha |
Maud & Grover are coming here for tea Some Sunday Soon. Oh Noah! You just don't know how much I miss you and you say you want my love, and you certainly have it. even though I don't seem to write it. but words & my pen. Seem to fail to convey my real love. But you must know you have it even if I am such a poor letter writer. You remember I told you I was. and you can believe it. 'eh' ha ha. Say Mother will think I am a long time getting ready for bed, but when I can spend my evening like I have to-night, I just think I can write to you any way. if even I can't see you. Space says close for this time Bye-Bye Love from Ethel . |
Genealogy Notes
So I turned my search to Grover Morrison and 3 records came up:
- his death record stating he died in Florida in 1952
- his marriage record to Maud Breuls dated 1916
- a Can/US border crossing card for Maude Florence Morrison dated 1947

There were 2 more articles from 1951
about Grover Morrison being elected as Reeve of Sutton for the second time. It also mentioned him as being a garage operator in Sutton. Although I didn't find anything about Grover and a garage, I did see several of these ads about Maud's brother, Stanley.
I pulled out the postcard shown at the top of this post which Maud had sent to Ethel and read the back again...

I pulled up Maud and Grover's Marriage Certificate again and confirmed it read Breuls.
And that explained the red flag I'd felt earlier... a nil response in a search usually means an error somewhere along the line.
So I tried the search again with Maud's name spelled Breuls this time and several records came up - including her birth record showing her official name as Flora Maud Breuls. There were several other census records, but not for 1911. In fact, out of the whole family, I only found a 1911 census record for Maud's brothers, Harold and Carman, who were both boarding in Newmarket while attending High School.

The following May, the last clipping shows that Maud and her family have moved onto the family farm in Belhaven.

It shows how Grover Morrison, ex-Reeve of Sutton, and Harold Breuls, a Toronto lawyer, were both killed in a motor vehicle accident down in Florida.
It also states that Mrs. Morrison - Maud - was injured in the accident and is in the hospital.
Grover's political career are mentioned, as well as his gas station business.
And then farther down, we see that along with Maud, Grover has left a son in Vancouver, BC, and a daughter in Thornhill, Ontario.
It also states that Col Breuls - or rather, Harold as we've seen from the page 10 clipping above - leaves 2 sisters, Irene and Maud, the only remaining offspring of James and Laura Breuls' 6 children.
One pleasant note about researching the Breuls family was when I saw that Maud's mother was a Mann, and her grandmother was a Prosser, I followed the connection and sure enough, once Sadie marries Cecil in 1916, Maud and Ethel will be related by marriage (2nd cousin of husband of sister).