Author of Letter: Noah Clement Draper
Dated: Mar 16 (1911)
Addressed to: Miss E. Nelson, Bellhaven, Ont.
Mailed from: Grand Coulee, Sask
Relationship: Courting
Profession: Farmer
Writing instrument: Fine point pen, Black ink, but looks blue-grey in places
Writing Paper: Thick, textured, linen-like paper, 9 inches x 6.5 inches. Paper is folded in half and written in the following order: no number, III, II, no number. I placed them in the correct order for this post and also for the .pdf copy.
An Asterisk* denotes more info will be provided under Genealogy Notes at the end of the post.
People mentioned in this letter:
- Veda* - 16 yr old daughter of Joe & Eva
- Fanny - Joe's niece
- Joe - husband of Noah's sister, Eva Amelia
- Ethel's father - James Henry Nelson (1865-1953)
- Mrs. Nelson - Ethel's mother, Ida Amelia Glover (1874-1953)
- Fern - see the Genealogy notes on 1911 Courtship: Mar 5, Dear Noah
- Louie & Fred - see the Genealogy notes on 1911 Courtship: Mar 6, Dear Ethel
- Dr. Ball*
Famous Quote: "they say absence makes the heart grow fonder"
(from page 4)
Grand Coulee. Mar. 14. Miss. E. Nelson; Belhaven, Ont. Dear Ethel; - Received your letter last night & was glad to hear from you. you can bet. that you had eloped. Ha. Ha. Guess I did look for a letter last week I watched the P.Ol. like a cat watches a mouse but I had a good idea why you did not send one. Was in Regina last Thursday night withg Veda & Fanny to a show had a big time going in. Veda said she wished we would upset. & Fanny said she would'nt get out if we did. We went to turn out for a rig & over we went, Fanny changed |
her mind about getting out. Ha. Ha. No damage done tho. so we got (gathered up) & went on. got the rest of the way all right tho. I had to jump out & hold up the cutter once or Fanny might have got out again. Ha Ha. Joe & I were in town yesterday Joe bought a nother guarter section right beside his own & is well pleased. Suppose you know wheather you will sell your place or not by this time, Do you think you would like town life? Do you think your father will come west if he does sell out down there? I think he would do well out here & he would like the place so would. Mrs. Nelson. Say Ethel you did not say how you liked that P.C. or havent |
you got it? Fern is a stenographer in a lawyers office but I have not seen her since I left school so do not know what she is like. saw her father in Regina yesteraday. but he did not act as friendly as he used to. he has not returned that dollar yet. HaHa. makes quite a difference. Well you may be in Queens vill by the time this reaches you & that is a little step on the way to the west. Wish it were G.C. instead of Q.V. We have been having nice weather but it is windy and cold to-day. Say Ethel you speak about Veda going East with mother but if she had to take her I would not want her to go at all. for Veda is a clip I can tell y0u she will have to go to a Ladies college just as soon as her hands |
get better & Dr. Ball. says he can cure them with the Ex. Rays if no other way so they are doctering with him. Louie & Fred were up Sunday & we had a big time. I have not been down there yet but guess I will go down Sunday. Well Ethel it will be 4 weeks Thurs day since I saw you & it. seems like as many months, I can tell you. Just remember how stingy you were when I was there see. x Ha Ha wish I could deliver them & receive them personally instead of by letter but they say absence makes the heart grown fonder. Ha. Ha. (dont beleive it.) Well I guess I will ring off for this time so good by. Write soon & often to your Loving Lover. Liver Friend. N. C. Draper |
One thing I discovered in my research is the impact bobs - separate runners - had on the safety of sleigh travel. Originally, sleighs had a pair of runners connected to a solid frame as in the sleigh pictured at the top of the post. However, a design improvement consisted of independently turning runners connected to a reach. This made turning quicker and safer. Probably more expensive, too. I can only assume that as farmers, Noah's family owned a simple sleigh instead of a bob sleigh as pictured below.
- quarter section - 160 acres (The land is surveyed in one mile increments with one square mile equal to one section of land which is 640 acres.)
- Queensville - Belhaven is approx 5 miles from Queensville which is why Noah laughs after saying Ethel has taken a small step toward the west.
*Veda's hands - This is the first instance I've heard that Veda needs medical attention for her hands. Since Noah mentioned Dr. Ball and xrays, it seems to imply it's not a skin problem like eczema, athough Noah's son had this skin condition. I don't understand how an 'Ex Ray' machine can cure anything, but I guess we'll have to wait for more information to be revealed. I'd also wondered if her hands were broken when they 'upset' but Noah said no damage had been done at that time. Veda's hands will go on the list as another mystery waiting to be solved.
Regina had several dozen doctors by this time and Dr. Francis Ball may have been well known in his field except I only found him referred to as 'a local physician'. However, the Queen Anne Revival home he built in 1912 was unique as then, as it is today, with its bell-capped multi-sided corner tower.
Whips were cutting, drivers shouting, horses flying fast; Sleighs upsetting, voices yelling as they quickly passed; Till at last the race was ended, morn was turning gray. Homeward came the jolly parties, riding in a sleigh.- Chorus. Hip, hurrah! hold your horses or they'll get away! Ain't it pleasant, with your sweetheart, riding in a sleigh. |
Doesn't it make you want to come visit and take a sleigh ride with us?