Dated: July 25th, 1911
Addressed to: Dear Ethel (Ethel is up in Huntsville, Ontario visiting Ida Amelia's sister, Sarah Elizabeth Glover)
Mailed from: Belhaven, Ont.
Relationship: Ethel's ma
Profession: Farmer's Wife
Writing instrument: Pencil
Written on: Off-white, beautifully textured, linen-like paper, 9 inches x 7 inches, folded in half with a red carnation motif on the first page.
People/places mentioned in this letter:
- *Sadie Nelson - Ethel's 16 yr old sister
- Uncle *Emanuel Nelson - brother of Ethel's Pa
- Lill - Lillian Blizzard - married to James A Nelson, cousin of Ethel's Pa
- Bob - the *hired man
- Miss Hunt - a good friend of the family (use search box for photo)
- Mother - Sarah Elizabeth Greenwood Glover - Ida Amelia's mother
- *Sarah Elizabeth Glover - Ida Amelia's sister
- Brownhill - a nearby village
- Buffalo, New York
* Look under the Categories/Labels in the right side column for more posts on this
person/place/thing. If you don't see a label, use the search box at the top of page.
** see Genealogy Notes below
Belhaven July 25th .11 Dear Ethel I got your letter last night I was out picking berries yesterday at Brownhill. just got them don up had 7 quarts and enough for one pie. it was 10 oclock when i got there. we have 4 men to day shingling Bob has gone went Monday to Buffalo said he would wRite and let us Know |
how he gets along he sold the ducks to youie for 3 1/2 dollars I washed Monday but didnt hang clothes out untill yesterday it has been so windy Sadie had 4 men for supper and renshegl? the clothes. she has made pies twice and she can make them to day. Well Uncle Emanuel is very sick we set up tuesday night |
Doctor says he wont live long he has gall stone in the liver Lill is getting better sits up some. well I want to wash to day am cleaning up bobs bed and room and I want to get my black dress cleaned up for fear something does happen to uncle. Miss hunt sent word to the preachers i guess they will go down to day |
Written down the left side of last page: Say Ethel did you send one of the new plats down to Glovers | say Ethel you had better rite to Mother she will not like it if you dont tell Sarah to get ready and come home with you for a couple of months it will do her good and she will get strong here as well as there. Sadie had company last night. guess this is all good by from Mother | Written up the right side of the back page: as one is gone we cant find it. |
Genealogy Notes
John Nelson b 1808 England married Mary Ann Green b 1810 England on 26 May 1829 in Upwell, Norfork, England.
John and Mary Ann emigrated with their 6 children to the US after the 1841 UK census and they are shown as a family living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on the 1850 US census.
Here's the info I have on their children:
1850 - Frances (b 1832) last seen on the 1850 US census
1850 - William H (b 1834) on the US census, but several William H Nelsons in Ont
1850 - Jemima (b 1831) marries James Lucas and stays in Wisconsin
1857 - Henry (b 1835) marries Eliza Crouch in Ontario (Ethel's grandparents)
1861 - James (b 1829) appears as Married on the 1861 Canada census in Ontario
1861 - Emanuel (b1833) appears as Single on the 1861 Canada census in Ontario, but marries in 1865 in York County
To go one step further using the above:
- Henry moved to Iowa leaving several children including James Henry Nelson behind in Belhaven (post about Eliza's letter from 2 wks ago)
- James has a son, James A who married Lillian Blizzard
- Emanuel is Uncle Emanuel who lives near Belhaven and is very sick
To sum up, we know that 3 for sure of John and Mary Ann's children ended up in Ontario - 4 if you include William H because there are several William H's in York and Simcoe Counties at that time. Jemima stayed in the US and we have info on her children, grandchildren, etc. And Frances just disappeared.
I hope that clears up the ancestry of Ethel's paternal side for you.