This week we welcome Barbara Early to Author Memories.
Old Lang Syne
by Barbara Early
Grandpa, named Rudolph by his German-Hungarian immigrant parents, married Beatrice (Grandma) when he was eighteen, just before he shipped off to join the Navy during WWII.
Following the war, he worked at the Wurlitzer factory, assembling jukeboxes and theater organs, like the one that still resides in the local historic theater.
Grandpa was a crusty fellow with a soft heart. He was the go-to disciplinarian. The oft-repeated threat for misbehavior was, “If you don’t stop, Grandpa will take a brush to your behind.” Or “He’ll ship you off to Father Baker’s,” which I learned much later was a home for wayward boys. Of course, the threats were enough.
Grandpa’s inability to leave the house eventually took his life, as he neglected seeing a doctor until the pain became unbearable. By then, the cancer which began in his intestines had spread to his liver. He passed away in 1983, just weeks before my high school graduation.
But hardly a new year passes when I don’t think of Guy Lombardo, spray cheese, and my grandfather.
and never brought to mind ?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and old lang syne ?
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Gold, Frankincense and Murder, White Rose Publishing, available now.
After the missing man's neighbor, muscle-bound EMT Sam Holton, volunteers as Donna's crime-fighting sidekick, sparks fly between them. Donna wonders if Sam can be trusted, or if he's trying to throw an unknown into her calculations—and her life.
And when police recover a body from the icy Niagara River, Donna is faced with the most frustrating equation of all: can murder plus mayhem ever equal romance?