Dated: Mar 1, 1917 (shows Feb ?, but should be March based on content)
Mailed from: London
Attached to: HMS Bacchante
Profession: Farmer, Temporary Sailor
Rank: Ordinary Seaman, Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve
Addressed to: Mrs. N.C. Draper, Keswick, Ont.
Relationship: Wife
Writing instrument: Pen, black ink
Writing Paper: 1 sheet with The King George and Queen Mary Maple Leaf Club 1915 letterhead. Paper is ivory-coloured, thin and feels like newsprint, but pen strokes easily bleed through.
People mentioned in this letter:
Ethel** - Ethel Isabel Draper, 27 yrs old, (Noah's wife of 6 yrs)
the kiddies:
- Mildred* - Noah's daughter, 3 yrs old, aka Midge
- J.D.* - Noah's son, James David*, 9 months old aka Jay in early months
Percy - Percy Roy Draper*, 33 yrs old, Noah's brother, lives in Sask
Katie - unknown at this time
Alice - Alice Alma Prosser*, born June 1915, daughter of Ethel's sister Sadie
Places/things mentioned in this letter:
- in dry dock after being rammed by another boat (HMS Achilles)**
- Tower of London**
Word or Phrase Use:
"laying in the basin"
"I am glad I can say I am a Canadian"
* Look under the Categories/Labels in the right side column for more posts on this
person/place/thing, or use the search box in the header at the top of this page
** see History Notes below
February 6, 1917 Mrs. N.C. Draper, Keswick, Ont. My Dear Ethel;- Well I am in London on 3 days leave expected to be at sea before this but we were laying in the basin ready to make the trial trip when one night another boat ramed us & put a hole in our side, (I was asleep & did not know about it untill the next morning) so we had to go back into dry dock & may be there a week or two. one half of the crew was given 3 days leave on Monday & the other half today & given free tickets so I came up here, Have not heard from Percy yet so can not see Katie, Ha Ha. but I want to see the tower of London, West Minister Abbey & several other places tomorrow. there is a party leaving here at 9 30 am. tomorrow & returning at 5 p.m. costs $1. Well I have not received that |
parcel yet, mabey it will be ready waiting for me when I get back, say Ethel have you not got that letter where I told you I had got the Photos I sent it nearly a month ago. I got a letter from you yesteraday tell Mildred that I have had milk to drink since I wrote that other letter altho I would like to have a drink from her cow, & when her daddy gets back from this war he will not leave again in a hurry unless he has to. Ha Ha. Well I hope Alice is better before this I know how they would feel if they lost her but we must hope for the best, eh. There is quite a few Canadians here at the club no one else is allowed here & it makes one feel good to be among the Canadians again for when all is said & done they are hard people to beat & I am glad I can say I am a Canadian. Say dont make any mistakes about 1/2 sheets of paper, see they are whole & then fill 2 or 3 for I like to get long letters. Well I guess I will close for this time as it is getting late will write again on Sunday. Bye Bye. Love to all kiss the kiddies for me. x x x x N.C.D. |
History Notes
History Note 1 - HMS Bacchante & HMS Achilles Mishap
Although Noah has dated this letter at the beginning of February, we know it had to have been March because the HMS Achilles' ship's log shows the mishap happened at just after midnight on February 22, 1917:
22 February 1917 Liverpool Lat 53.40, Long -3.00 12.07am: HMS Bacchante swung to ebb and fouled Achilles' stern, engines worked as required. |
With the Bacchante back in dry dock, the crew has been given 3 days leave and so we find Noah in London. As for the wrong date, it's interesting to note that Noah's next letter shows February 4, 1917 where he is still in London, and attends church. Along with that letter tp Ethel, he included an Order of Service which is dated March 4, 1917. It's the confirmation that the letters were actually written in March vs February and will be included in the next post.
History Note 2 - Noah's London Postcards
Noah mentions wanting to see the Tower of London in this letter and either brought back or sent to Ethel the following series of postcards about his explorations while in London.

Noah's next letter will show more sights of his London adventure.