Dated: December 1 (1912)*
Addressed to: Dear Ethel and Noah
Mailed from: Belhaven, Ontario
Relationship: Mother & Sister
Profession: Farmer's Family
Writing instrument: Pen with Black Ink
Writing Paper: Medium weight, textured, linen-like paper, each written page 5" x 6". Paper is folded in half and written in booklet form with numbered pages. Although they've been written in the order of 1,3,2,4,5,7,6,8, I've shown them here in the order they were meant to be read.
People/places mentioned in this letter:
Sadie - Ethel's 16 yr old sister
Christie - Ethel's 11 yr old sister
Uncle Will's - could be Ethel's mom's brother, or their uncle - both *Glover's
Grandma Nelson - Eliza *Crouch - mother of *James Nelson
Pa - Ethel's dad, James Nelson
Marry - Mary the milliner?
**David Sprague - David Henry Sprague, Noah's 2nd cousin 1x removed
Mrs. Draper - Noah's aunt, *Martha Barnhart, wife of *Stephen Draper
*Edith Draper - wife of Frank *Kavanagh
Mrs Rob Smith
Mrs. Andy Tompson (or Thompson ?)
Mrs. Joe Stickland (or Strickland ?)
*Gertie Nelson - Ethel's 2nd cousin (same great-grandfather John *Nelson)
Santy - Santa Claus
Dr Clark - Ethel's old dentist
*Martha & Mr. Brooks - see Genealogy Notes on 1912: Letter Fm Hester Soules Prosser
*Mrs. W. Young - ? Mrs. Walter Young has been mentioned a couple times already, with 2 photos posted of her and her son with Noah & Ethel in Adams, but unsure if this is the same one or if there are 2 with the same name.
Places/things mentioned in this letter:
- Santy heading north
- consumption
* Look under the Categories/Labels in the right side column for more posts on this
person/place/thing, or use the search box in the header at the top of this page
** see Genealogy Notes below
December 1. Dear Ethel and Noah I got your letter one day last week and was as usual glad to get it. it has been some time since I wrote you but than Sadie has been writing and I thought you would rather have her write as she does so much better than I do. Sadie and Christie are at church and I am |
2 Writing Grandma Nelson a letter also we got one from her a bout a month ago and got a card from Aunt anna last week. Sadie was in to Newmarket thursday and came home friday. she got a new hat and the stuff for a dress the hat is white felt trimmed with pale blue and the dress is blue I will get marry a day to start it off and than I can finish it |
3 I made Christie one last week. it is navy serge trimmed with plad. I and your pa was down to Uncle wills last wensday. and it was stormy and I got cold in my face and it has been verry sore since an I was afraid it was going to gather and brake but it is getting better I think I will have to get some of my teeth out. |
4 Mrs W. Young has been verry poolely but is some btter Just now doctor said she was apt to die at any time from hart trouble and she has a terrible cough people are getting afraid to go there for fear of comsumption so think I wont go so often as I have. Mrs Andy Tompson has a little girl a bout a week old, and Mrs Joe Stickland has a little boy a bout a weak old. |
5 Martha Brooks is home got here last tuesday, mister Brook was in to day. and said she think she would rather live here but thinks they will stay out there till they get some money as they can make more out there. Mister David Sprague was burried last friday, I suppose you have got your house cleaning all done by this time ore did you keep it so clean that it does not need it. I have got mine to do yet |
6 down stairs I done the up slairs a couple of weeks ago but didnt feel like doing much last week I have had a lame back how is your face is it broke out yet. Your pa does not have to go so far as your place to hunt. there was a hawk chicken hawk lit in one of the elem trees north of the house yester day and he got the gun and killed it, thinks he is a great marksman now, |
7 I was talking to Mrs Draper one day last week and she said Edith and her husband expected to be hone for christmas. Your pa said he seen Santy in Belhaven one day last week and he was going north so you had better get your stockings ready. as he might get there by christmas. Hello Ethel - this is Tuesday and we have been washing |
this forenoon. We cleaned the front room yesterday and the parlor. Mrs Rob Smith is here this afternoon She just came a little while ago. I am going up to the market so am in a hurry. Dr Clark was asking Gertie Nelson how you were getting along. Guess he thot it was time you were back getting your teeth fixed. Pa and Ma have both had lame backs and tooth ache lately. Write soon and come to see your loving Mother little Nell - Sadie |
Genealogy Notes
- Death and burial of David Sprague
- New baby girl to Mrs Andy Tompson
- New baby boy to Mrs Joe Stickland
Searching the Newmarket Era, I found this clipping which threw me off guard because it states David Sprague died on Nov. 26, 1913... however it was released on page 2 of The Newmarket Era of November 29th, 1912:

In my search I stumbled upon one other bit of evidence confirming David Sprague's death of Nov 26th, 1912 and that was the settling of his estate in the spring of 1913.
Since it usually takes several months to settle an estate, there is no doubt of David Sprague's death in 1912, thus this week's letter of Dec 1st is definitely from 1912.
And now I'm off to sort through my files for births, deaths, marriages, etc in the coming year and match them up with newspaper clippings and photos and bring them to you in an order that resembles true life in Noah and Ethel's family as well as their loved ones.
As these posts may be irregular over the coming weeks until I starting posting Noah's WW1 letters, your can keep informed of new posts by clicking on the link for RSS FEED in the right sidebar and you'll get an email notification whenever I publish a new post.